Saturday, December 27, 2014

Twenty Fifteen, The Darkness, and the Goat

SHOCKING news. Recently a little bird told me that there are actually people on this planet that are unaware of The Darkness' reformation.  Are you kidding me? No. Actually I cannot say I am surprised.  With the current state of the "music business" being all digitized and downloadable, you would have had to look up to see the beauty that is The Darkness. If you looked up from your steaming plate of nachos and hot wings during the Superbowl in 2011 you would have seen the best commercial on the planet for Samsung featuring Justin Hawkins and "I Believe in a Thing Called Love".  If you looked up from your pre-packaged franken food buffet of what was offered up as music in 2012, you could have enjoyed a fresh, fluffy, sticky sweet steaming stack of Hot Cakes.

You like rock don't you? I mean, who doesn't?

Could it be, that people are afraid? Long long ago in a galaxy far far away there was a time where a good rock show at a coliseum would cost you about fifteen bucks and perhaps a night of standing in line in the freezing cold drinking apple schnapps to get a ticket.  You put a can of spray in your hair and piled into a very very small car and travelled to New Haven or some such place to have the rockingest night of your life! Over and over again, year after year, until, one day, you woke up and Ozzy was a TV star and your tickets to KISS set you back a full weeks salary. What the fuck happened? The Internet? Mp3's? Did video really kill the radio star?

Do you like rock? Do you want to pile into a car with a bunch of your friends and go to a show and have the rockingest night of your life? Do you want to re-live the thumb-upping, sweat dripping, Marshall amplified nights of your youth?

The Darkness will satisfy.

The Darkness, yes. For those of you who are sadly uninformed, The Darkness, that amazing band whose riffs you have been missing, re-formed. THREE YEARS AGO, and released their third album Hot Cakes. It is a magnificent collection of rock. It is good, kind, fun, rocking rock. .

The Darkness are back, yes, and all fresh and shiny and new, gearing up for the release of yet to be titled album number four, with a lady hitting the skins.  That's right! I said lady. Emily Dolan Davies is taking over the saddle for Ed Graham, whose awesomeness shall remain universally appreciated. Album four is nary a stones throw away so prepare yourselves.

So, if you want to ROCK, if you want to get your parachute pants out of the closet, if you want to throw on some fishnets and a miniskirt and throw caution to the wind, The Darkness is waiting for you. You like Les Paul's and Marshall amps don't you? Well, treat yourself! Feast your ears and eyes to the glorious buffet of awesomeness that The Darkness provides. Put down your boring mass produced soul-less mashed potatoes of music and fill up with magical, sumptuous, spicy deliciousness that is The Darkness.

And as for you kids, don't fret, all is not lost. There is hope for you yet. No longer will you have to sneak your rock under the covers at night, on a cassette and a walkman. No longer will you have to wait until your parents leave the house to dust off their LP's to get a good healthy dose of rock and roll. No, this is your time children, to rise up, and say, "I WILL ROCK!" and "ALL HAIL THE DARKNESS" for it is your time to shine!

Parents, are you worried that your music loving teen is becoming depressed and withdrawn?  Have no fear, rock is here. The Darkness will cause your teen to stop drawing scenes of graveyards and ghosts and instead transform your child into a walking rocking thumb upping rainbow of awesomeness.

For a mere 15 pounds or so, you can purchase the newest release from The Darkness and be on your way to a happy place.

"Little Johnny was just so sad, always reciting "The Raven" and just staring hopelessly at his ipod, then I heard about "The Darkness"new album from a friend of mine, I thought they had broken up.I immediately purchased a copy of Hot Cakes and secretly downloaded it onto Johnny's ipod thing, and suddenly, he opened the curtains in his room.  He started wearing better make up, and paying more attention to his hair. One night my husband caught Johnny in our closet, trying on his old parachute pants.  We were so happy, my husband actually cried."

So, if you are looking for rock, if you are missing those loud beautiful melodies of a more positive time, smart rock, fun rock, rock rock, you will find it in The Darkness.

This has been a Public Service Announcement brought to you by Mother of the Gods.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Oh Darkness, My Darkness, How Do I Love Thee...

I dreamt I had accordion accompaniment
or ukulele perhaps
you fancied me, for company
akin to Spinal Tap

in the fortysomethingth year
of a dubious time
I'll risked it all
on a silly rhyme

to be of assistance to this band of three
a fourth on the way, to be named this new he.
Sock washing, cape steaming, flat ironing the t's
Bonnie walking, coffee shopping, assailing the needs

of a travelling monster, a beautiful beast
festooning dressing rooms.
Administering vegan feasts
with sweet potatoes and legumes

Merchandise I sold at a fervid pace
blown out amp tubes I'd replaced,
packed the gear and the suitcase
inconvenience I effaced

The Darkness factotum, girl Friday, merch woman
my bunk was upper seven
I shared it with Dylan, my daughter, and taught her
indeed, they go to eleven,

A dream though it was, could there be still a way,
for me, perhaps a chance
to document a show or two
my name is Persistence.

A few nights of East Coast reverie,
recorded for posterity
by a woman, lovingly
Mother of the Gods, is she.

"Demonstrating sweet love and affection
that you give so openly
I like the way you make me feel about you baby (Darkness),
want the whole wide world to see"

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Twenty One Questions with Matt Starr, Drummer.

Jamie-MOTG and Matt circa 2001
When a friend meets with success and happiness from years of passionate hard work and creativity it's a beautiful thing. I cannot deny, however, that I miss those old days. As far back as Run 21. Dive bars, one light bulb suspended from the ceiling. Seeing Matt and company play at backwoods joints like "Shitrocks" or "The Achesore" filled my cranium with laughs and great memories.FLAMES CD Release Party 1999. Before his move to L.A. and that moustache, he was our star. From behind the kit or singing and playing guitar, writing and recording, performing, or just hanging out, Matt always had his next move brewing.

Cat Woman and Matt 

Matt is a real renaissance man. Drummer, singer, songwriter, producer, designer, businessman, vinyl aficionado, cigar lover, family man, friend. From his love of Dali to his Vistalite drums, Matt's got a style and finesse that flavors whatever he does with just the right amount of awesome. And, he's funny.

Matt on drums with Ace Frehley, Matt... how was that sunburn?

It is truly no surprise then, that Matt has spent the past couple of years filling up his passport with stamps form all over the globe, touring and recording with Ace Frehley, Love/Hate, and Burning Rain. Matt's roster includes past tours with Kevin Dubrow of Quiet Riot, writing with Beautiful Creatures and fronting his own band Automatic Music Explosion as singer and guitarist. Matt formed Hookers and Blow with Dizzy Reed (Guns N' Roses) and current Quiet Riot guitarist Alex Grossi whose debut album 'The Return To Psycho, California' with Hotel Diablo was produced by Matt & Gilby Clarke.

Matt has been a guest drummer at The Great Bonzo Bash and The Ox and The Loon. 

If that wasn't enough, Matt is currently sitting in on the Mr. Big tour in support of their new album. Check out some videos from the sold out opening night gig filmed by "forgottonglory" on you tube here Mr. Big opening night at KOKO! Additionally, in Matt's spare time, he can teach you how to play the drums via skype!

All this success has not gone to his head, Matt is grateful, kind and professional.

How does a Starr stay grounded? Let's find out.  I sat down for an interview with Matt, well, sort of. I was sitting in my bed in CT and he was in London, gotta love technology. As promised as a follow up to my very first blog post Matt Starr Drums I give you;

                    TWENTY ONE QUESTIONS with Matt Starr!
                                      Because like in Spinal Tap, we go one louder.

1. MOTG: I read your blog  in Modern Drummer , and you mention unwinding, literally, with yoga. Is that part of your regular routine?

MS: Not as much as I’d like. I always feel so much better afterwards but it seems like I only do it when my back is totally wrenched from trains, planes & automobiles.

2. MOTG; At your drum clinic you spoke about humility, respect, networking and staying positive. You have always been a pretty fun and positive guy, has taking the positive thinking mantra more seriously influenced your life and work?

MS: For sure. There is only “Yes”, there is only Light, there is only “Positive”. The opposites are just a lack of those things, they are nothing unto themselves. They are death.

3. MOTG: Regarding the past, you cut your teeth on four tracks and cassettes. Have you come to embrace the digital era? Lord knows...I have not, I still have an analog phone.

MS: Sure! I love the fact that I can load the songs for say the Mr Big tour into my phone & learn them where ever I am. Or have thousands of songs on my hard drive to take on tour. But I do also bring a turntable on the road. If I just want to sit & enjoy music I prefer vinyl, MP3’s sound like shit.

4. MOTG: Being a vinyl collector and fan, is the new Ace Frehley release you recorded on available on vinyl?

MS: Yes it is. HERE

5. MOTG: How many records (vinyl) do you own?

MS: 2100+

6. MOTG: What is the first album, or cassette, or 8 track, you bought with your own money. Mine was Aerosmith Double Live Bootleg. I got it at Caldor.

MS: Nice! With my own money, may have been Whitesnake, “Slide It In”…… at Caldor.

7. MOTG: What are your top five most prized vinyl treasures?

MS: DCC Pressing of “Pet Sounds”, KISS “Alive!” Signed by Eddie Kramer, A bootleg copy of Beach Boys “Smile” that I got in Japan in 1999, White Label Promo of the first Montrose LP, First pressing of Roy Orbison’s Greatest Hits on Monument Records.

8. MOTG: Sweet! What is your favorite Rock and Roll film. I love Song Remains the Same but I think....The Kids are Alright is my fave.

MS: Head by The Monkees, Spinal Tap, followed by Let There Be Rock (AC/DC)

9. MOTG: Is filming something you might like to dabble in one day? Directing videos perhaps, documenting, etc.. you know, in your spare time.

MS: I don’t know, I think that’s a huge undertaking. I’m not sure I have enough passion for it to see it through. Although I do love film. I like taking pictures.

10. MOTG: Alright, I have to know about the Moustache. What was the inspiration? Was there an inspiration?

MS: Halloween 2011, I drew one on as a joke and then when I saw the pictures from that nite, I liked him better than me.

MOTG: Hmmm... maybe I should have kept mine, here I am on Halloween Circa

11. MOTG: Your Dr. Starr T shirts are phenomenal, I own a few. You designed them? Here is me rocking one with The Darkness!

MS: Thanks! Yes, I was on tour with an all star band and everyone had merch except me. It made me realize people want to connect and have something from the musicians they like and that I was losing a lot of money.

12. MOTG: Regarding merchandise, is it your experience that the sales of merchandise and tickets is now the driving revenue for musicians as opposed to music sales?

MS: Yes, that & music placement.

13. MOTG: With that in mind, do you have any plans on the table for more Dr. Starr items, hats, scarves, drum cozies?

MS: Hmmmm…not sure but those are some good ideas.

14. MOTG: You are multi talented and your songwriting is top notch. One of my all time faves is 1963. I felt The Flames were before their time, stuck in a weird time warp between Cheap Trick and The Darkness with that pop rock positive fun post punk feel and vibe. Great lyrics, catchy hooks. Are you doing any writing now?

MS: I haven’t in over a year. It’s sort of surprising because it was such a part of my life for so long, but I’m sure I’ll return to it eventually. I don’t think I have much to say right now.

15. MOTG: Where can I get my hands on a copy of 'I Cheated on You' (original version) and '1963'? Hint Hint

MS: You tell me!

16. MOTG: Though I love you as a front man and guitarist, you seem to have really brought the spotlight behind the kit with you. Your personality shines right through those clear Vistalites. Do you miss being out in front?

MS: Not really. It’s something I can always go back to, but right now I’m happy sitting down!

17. MOTG: I love it when you come home (back east) and sit in with the locals. One night, after explaining to a fellow musician friend who you were, he said, "he just played the shit outta those drums." How does it feel to come back? It is great that you celebrate your roots and the folks that taught you so much.

MS: It’s nice to visit with the people I grew up with & talk about things. It’s fun to share stories about my experiences too. I have a lot of great friends back east. But if I stay too long I get reminded why I left.

18. MOTG: Will there ever be a Flames reunion?

MS: Who knows, that would be fun.

19. MOTG: Where is the picture we drew of Tanya as a cat?

MS: In the Hartford dump. That was amazing!

20. MOTG: Ever think of relocating or is LA the best location for you?

MS: I love LA. I would like to buy a house in CT too but we’re staying here.

21. MOTG: When will you be in town again, because we all miss and love you!?

MS: Looks like there will be a Mr Big show in NYC in Feb 2015!

And there you have it! To learn more about Matt Starr, pick up some Dr. Starr's Mustache Tonic gear, check out some great videos and hear some rockin tunes, head on over to!

Rock On! ~Jamie

Post Script: I forgot to ask Matt what kind of gum he chomps on because CLEARLY he should be gettin' an endorsement deal. ALWAYS with the gum!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Rock and Roll Makes for Good Motherhood. Concerts, Babies, Bare Feet, and Poop.

Music.  It soothes, excites, incites, entices, and enlightens. “It swings, it jives, it shakes all over like a jelly fish,” oh wait, that is a crazy little thing called love. Singing songs around the campfire, listening to A.M. radio in your grandpa’s station wagon, or hearing classics via Bugs Bunny, music is everywhere. “I love it loud, wanna hear it loud right between the eyes,” and hear it loud I have for over 40 years. Up front, close and personal, hearing damaging, Marshall amplified.

Long journeys and local bar gigs filled my calendar and depleted my bank account. I learned to dress on the fly, eat on the run, and sleep sitting up. Shower in a rest stop bathroom, stretch a few dollars into a week of gas and food, and communicate successfully with people from the garbage man to the governor, all in the quest for that high. The one you get when you get when Keith Richards hands you a guitar pick, when Simon LeBon serenades you, or when your kid places first at a regional horse show.

Did I just go there? Yeah I did. There is nothing like years of band-aiding to prep you for the horrors, I mean joys of motherhood. Sure when your kid is a baby it is all giggles and smiles right? Yeah no. Remember that time there was an explosive diarrhea event when you were late for work and heading down the interstate only to smell ooooh that smell and look back to see something on the back window of the car? The poop that shot right out of the kid’s car seat? Hello gas station clean up 1985 style.

Remember that time your parent wouldn’t let you leave the house wearing THAT? You stuffed the goods in a backpack, along with all of your face and hair gear and did the old presto change-o in the gas station toilet. Fast forward 30 years. Your kid stinks and is screaming, you are in your coupe, it’s 20 degrees out and you need a fix.  You got this.

Third grade class project? No sweat, those days of making your own backstage passes out of cassette covers and sharpie markers have prepared you well. A little bit of scissors and tape and your kid gets front row, I mean first place. I have carried friends, both ways, uphill, barefoot, in a snowstorm, or…perhaps that was a Grateful Dead parking lot.

From navigating my daughter through middle school awkwardness and high school hell, my years as a rock and roller have unintentionally prepped me for motherhood. “Be cool or be cast out.” It isn’t necessarily the “Dr. Spock Rock” version of parenting, but having such a rich tapestry of experiences to draw from gives me a particularly free and open way to raise my daughter. We buck convention, yet we accept everyone. We treat strangers as friends, like at a rock show. I have encouraged her to arrive early, seek out those in charge and treat them with respect. You might be one of a crowd but you are an individual. Live your life with passion and enthusiasm for the things you love. And if you get up at four A.M. and drive five hours to see The Darkness, I mean compete at a horse show and you step in it, Sweet Virginia, “you got to scrape that shit right off your shoes.”

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Rock and Roll for Old People

Well, howdie there.  Now that my 47 year old out of shape ass has rested up I can give you my report on the KISS and Def Leppard show at the Xfinity Theatre on August 8th 2014.

Tail gating. Really? Holy shit. Full blown fires and pop up tent thingers, racks of ribs, coolers, beer pong? Yes. It was 90 in the shade and there was no shortage of middle aged shirtless dudes hootin and a hollerin about the gravel pit, I mean parking lot. Too hot for my blood, so after meeting and mixing with a mere 3 people, Dylan and I walked past the rows of hot dog cookin grills and hairy beer bellies and saddled up into the line at about 5:20 P.M.

Doors opened at 5:30 so that was great since my face was melting off. We grabbed a $87.00 soda and a fat pretzel and made our way in. On the way we met up with "Florida" a kid here for his 17th birthday with his uncle up from Pensecola.  His uncle sprang for the $7864.00 VIP package where you get to have Gene Simmons lick your eyeball, or something like that.  He was psyched to say the least. After chatting it up with him for a few, the security let us in to the theatre and we made our way to our seats.

Section 300 row G. Great seats, in the front, on the side, right next to the stage.  The place was only 1/4 filled when the first band "The Dead Dasies" came on.  They were great! Hard rockers from a variety of bands including INXS, Guns and Roses, Thin Lizzy and more.  They were tight and loud, with catchy hard rockin tunes. The crowd dug them, sparse at it was.  According to one security guard I spoke with, the 24,000 seat venue was only about half sold.  Possibly due to the INSANE prices of the tickets.  But I digress.

After The Dead Dasies there was a short break and then The Who's wont get fooled again started playing with the clock counting down.  When there were only a few seconds on the clock Def Leppard hit the stage and played out the last remaining licks of the song to an enthusiactic crowd and went right into "Let it Go!" I was PSYCHED! I thought yes this is going to RAWK! and then...err...uhh.. I'll admit it, I never bought a Def Leppard album after Pyromania, so I didn't know a lot of the songs. To go from "Let it Go" to "Animal?"

Let it go
Love Bites
Let's Get Rocked
Two Steps Behind
Bringinnon the Hearbreak
Switch 625
Armageddon It
Pour Some Sugar on Me
Rock of Ages

So I knew a total of 7 songs, and was familar with a few more from lite rock radio. Now don't hate, I am a On through the Night, High and Dry and Pyromania era fan, so when Let it go came on I was really hoping for more from that era, forgetting that Def Leppard became highly popular after Hysteria, deservedly so.

The years they have in the business make them professional, tight, and crowd pleasing.   I was hoping for more of the Let it Go vibe. In any case, like a squirrley teenager I whipped out my pictures and every time Phil or Rick came over I shoved them in their face pointing and yelling "THAT'S US!!!" Rick Savage actually bent down and looked at the photo, grinned and nodded.  I don't know if he understood but no matter, I was jumping up and down like a frog on crack.

Then came Vivian Campbell. I had just learned that Vivian, has cancer and so seeing him up close and personal like that was really a gift.  He looks great and smiles the whole time and I have never met the man but he seems to exude some sort of peaceful glow, some kind of energy of love and kindness that radiates from him. At one point later in their set, Dylan and I sat down for a second, and of course Vivian noticed and came over and bent down.  We got up and he said something to Dylan like, "Don't worry it will be over soon." And she looked at me confused.  The he walked back to us a minute later and leaned down and said to us, "I said, don't worry, KISS will be on soon." and then he held Dylan's hand and slipped her a pick and a smile.

We grabbed his feet and said "We love you!" and he smiled.

But admittedly, Love Bites almost put me to sleep.


Which, turns out later was Joe Elliot doing the intro!

I had never seen KISS before. Nope. I'll tell you what, Paul Stanley is phenomonal. A true showman, giving his all for every person in the house. Dancing around, working the whole stage, flying over the crowd, engaging, energetic, all around awesome.

Gene did the fire breathing and the blood spitting but his rig failed to lift him up during his bass solo, he got really pissed and was swearing all over the place. They roadies ran out and un hooked him, after he only lifted about a foot off the ground. Good thing, would have been awful had something gone awry when he was up in the air.

However, Gene stayed mostly in the center of the stage, being Gene.

Tommy Thayer did a great job as Ace, I say that becasue well, he IS playing ACE after all, but he is a phenomonal guitar player.

I suppose Eric Singer did a great job, I didn't see much of him as he was obscured from view.

The lights, the fireworks, the fire and PAUL made it a night to remember.

I'd go see KISS again, but maybe they shouldn't charge $1400569.00 for tickets, they might fill the seats!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

The G word. GROUPIE.

The word itself stirs up all sorts of images, teeny boppers hanging out by tour bus doors hoping to get a look at their favorite band member, key word, member. The scantily clad 80's style trussed up barbie types looking like they spent 3 hrs on make up-ing their wrinkled from cigarettes and too much booze and coke faces, young fan girls fangirling all over the place just about ready to pee their pants if someone from One Direction looks their way and more.

Groupies. Fan-girls. I have met MANY bands, "Oh you're a groupie?" Well, that depends on what your definition of a groupie is. Though there are groupies for everything from sports stars to chefs to actors to authors, this post is dedicated to band groupies, though the word has a negative connotation, and generally only applies to females, I'll try to...break it down.

Groupie type 1.
Does anything asked of them by a roadie or band worker to acquire a backstage pass to "meet" the band. No, I am not this type of groupie, though I have had the displeasure of meeting many a dimwitted bimbo who thought getting on her knees for a sweaty roadie would guarantee her a spot on a rock stars lap. Case in point, at one AC/DC backstage scene, where the band did not actually come out (which happens) I was walking out with a friend through the underground parking area at the Hartford Civic Center and two of these lovely ladies were walking ahead. There was an echo, being a parking area, and one said to the other. "I can't believe I sucked that guys dick for nothing." 

Um... I can! Back in the 80's Def Leppard had the old "special" passes that were given to only these ladies and so yeah, the band knew how it was acquired. 

Groupie type 1a.
Your more savvy version of groupie number 1. Sure sure, they might end up with a "DIK LIKKER" pass but they don't mind and soon after getting backstage by any means necessary, set their sights on bagging a band member, Any band member, any band, any time. Like collecting musical dickstains is their hobby. But hey, that's their thing and it works for them and well, live and let live. Just don't eat all the steak. 

Groupie type 2.
Your "fangirl" if you will. I'll admit, I have fangirled the shit outta some Hanson. In my 30's. Through connections (Groupie type 5) I had the great pleasure of seeing and meeting Hanson on a few occasions, and every time I felt like I was in the 5th grade seeing Shaun Cassidy in his white pants. The first time I believe was at The Orpheum in Boston. Through a connection a friend of mine and fellow Hanson fangirl got us a couple of legit tickets and all access passes. Now, Hanson were still young lads then, in their late teens I think and were heavily guarded, no matter, being the seasoned pros we are, we marched right up to them and had them sign programs and shake hands, much to the chagrin of their "handlers" who insisted on no photos, remember this was pre- cell phone camera days. After the show we spoke to Issac (guitar) about Weird Al, The Offspring and more. On another occasion, we received a meet and greet through a fund raiser and after a show in Providence, RI were hanging out with the boys backstage, they were sweet, kind, funny and cool. We were fans then and still are. Love you Hanson!
      Case Study Def Leppard:

 A picture is worth 
a thousand words.
When you are 16 and you spend a night in a hotel room hanging out with your best friends and your favorite band, well, what is better than that?

Pretty much nothing, except maybe telling your mom you are going camping 
and then driving to Rochester to do it all over again.

Photos by all of us.

Groupie type 3. Not quite a fan girl, but you do some sleuthing and creative artwork and slide right in.
A newbie if you will, a novice, pre-internet record company calling, pretending to be someone important, delivering gifts to hotels and leaving my number type.  You know, the I don't have a connection, yet, but I am going to make one, right after I make my own home-made backstage pass out of your cassette cover and laminate it with the machine next to the gumballs at Bradlees. 

Case study 1: Judas Priest. Nothing like the cover of Screaming for Vengeance all shined up hanging on a key chain can get you what you want, which is to meet Rob Halford and Glenn Tipton, hang out, have a beer, and not have to make your own pass for the next gig. 

Case study 2. The Beastie Boys. Oh what is this? Rolling Stone says The Beastie Boys pick girls out of the audience to dance in a cage on the stage? HELLO! Was I wearing a minidress and a judges robe? Maybe.  Did I march right up to the soundboard and tell the sound guy that I wanted to dance in the cage? Sure I did! I drank like 5 shots of tequila on the way down to the New Haven Coliseum. Was I standing in the cage next to a giant inflatable dick sans my robe when the first song No Sleep Till Brooklyn started? You betcha. Did I instantly sober up when I could see all of the people looking at me, doing my best to dance? Amen.

Remember the "Disc" camera? Yeah. easy to sneak in, shit pics.

Photos by Chris B. 

Groupie type 4. You belong there. The "fancy meeting you here". There is nothing quite as exhilarating as wondering how long it will take either the club workers or the band management to realize that you just walked right in at 3 pm during sound check and made yourself at home. This technique also slightly resembles Groupie type 3 only now, you have more balls, and don't bother with all of that extra effort. Occasionally, serendipity favors you and you get invited to a "Press Conference" for an unknown band named Pearl Jam, give the singer your number, he calls your house, and invites you to see them at CBGB's... but I digress.
Photo by KK Dubs

Case Study: The Red Hot Chili Peppers. With my partner in crime KKdubs, walking into the Living Room in Providence and hanging around long enough that the club's people sent other fans over to us to ask us for tickets, well, I'd say that was a success. Watching Anthony get his hair brushed and being heavily flirted with by a young newbie named John Fruciante was pure heaven.

Photo by KK Dubs.

Hung out, watched the show sitting on the stage underneath John, getting squashed and sweat on and the band wondering...who ARE these girls, just enough to get the balls to drive to Lamour in Brooklyn and do it again. And again, and again, until you were so confident, and recognized, that making conversation with security and bands alike was old hat, and when Megadeth and Overkill came around, well... you were Groupie type 5.

               Photos by KK Dubs

Groupie type 5.
Connected. Musicians are people too, and there are a lot of us "groupies" who, through treating the bands like actual human beings, manage to make connections, gain friends and access to the nucleus of our favorite touring circuses. We cringe at the term groupie, because, well, Almost Famous comes to mind and while what's her face tried to explain what the difference between "band aid" and "groupie" was, there really isn't much of a difference (see above) until you are called simply... friend. Easier for males to get past the groupie stigma, because it is assumed that a fan who is female and follows bands around only wants to bag a band member, when in reality, while that may be true for some, ALL of the so called groupies I call friends, are here first and foremost for the music. We LOVE music! We LOVE concerts, creative people, meeting new friends from near and far, the anticipation, the excitement, the energy in a room filled with music you love. When everyone sings along, from hardcore to Hanson, the vibe is what it is all about. And so what if you happen to play tonsil hockey once or twice with one of these dudes? Good for you! Just don't be a dick about it. We are fellow musicians, fans and friends, and I plan on being all three for another 30 years. Mick Jagger is in his 70's bro. Why the fuck not?

Case Study The Darkness: 
See my post

             Photos by Deb H

Dylan and Justin 2013 Photo by me!
♥ Jamie  Rock On!

Next weeks blog-
The Rolling Stones, Radio City and Shine a Light

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Warped Report. The good, the bad, and the asphalt.

Ahhhh Warped tour. I'll admit, it was only my second one. Warped History I missed out on this fad in the late 90's through 2000's because I was busy being a hippie, having a kid, and hitting the local band scene if and when I got out. Last year I figured I'd give it a shot since my kid, who I prayed would play the cello and read Shakespeare and wear a uniform, decided to let her freak flag fly and begged me to take her to Warped.

I had a great time last year, finding out at the last minute that parents get in free.  That's right, free. I saw Black Veil Brides and Sleeping with Sirens and a bunch of other hot new bands, met some cool parents and had such a great time I decided that I would absolutely go again. And go I did.

Having just hooked up and deciding to get back into doing what I love, which is having fun, being funny, listening to music, getting turned on to new music, meeting people, talking, laughing and being creative, I thought a day at Warped would do me good.  And it did. I don't know if we get more than one ride on this roller coaster called life, but I am damn sure done with my ride needing constant repair and being out of fucking order. I'm going to get every last bit of fun I can out of this trip.

That said after a night of hair dying the kid and her blue haired friend were rarin' to go at...6:00 a.m. Yeah that's SIX. On a Sunday. But, whateves, I can hang. So I packed up the back pack-

1 laptop
1 charger
1 phone charger
3 bottles of ice water

Little did I know that I could have brought in a turkey dinner with all the fixins. AND the table, AND the chairs. That's right.  In the official Warped day instructions it says you can bring a backpack and a sandwich and some water, but lo and behold, parents who have been here many times were hauling chairs and umbrellas in.  It's the beauty of Warped for a parent and more venues should do it. Let the parents in free. The kids are safer and we are the ones with the cash.

Here's how it works, there is a VIP tent near the entrance, you show up with your kid and they give you a wristband, ours said "vendor" so not only did I get in free, I could go out to my car and go back in. Holy Shiznit. So, after getting my wristband, I was hanging in the line to go in and saw a male parent with a chair, I said "Hi!" and put out my hand "I'm Jamie." "I'm some redneck" he said... no I think he had a name but I forgot it after this exchange. "So they let you bring in chairs?" I said.  He replied, "Well if they don't I'll shoot em."

Awkward... errrr uhhhh ummm  bye.

Another not quite so trigger happy parent heard me and said "Yes, they do, they let parents do pretty much anything." and then her daughter spied a chair against the wall left over from Dave Matthews the night before.  (can't bring chairs to Dave bro)

So I stepped out of line, grabbed the chair and headed in when the doors opened.  The security pretty much just waved me in with the obligatory look into my backpack. I could have had a 5th of tequila in there! No matter, I'm a MOM! YEAH! The perks finally come in.

While out in line some kids were trying to get people to buy their music, walking up and down the line asking people to listen in to headphones-you got antibacterial wipes with that LOLOL-and they had a sign with like 15 bands listed on it- "We sound JUST LIKE THESE BANDS!" me- "Then why would I want to listen to you?" Was that mean? OOOOOPS!

If you have ever been to the xfinitycomcastmeadowsshithole then you know that the parking lot is paved with lava rocks and grit. This is where most of Warped is set up, but right inside the gate there is a little patch of grass and 2 trees where me and one other mom set up shop, I mean chairs and a blanket. She was from upstate NY this was her 5th warped.  An old timer. She clued me in to the turkey dinner.

It was a great spot to park and watch the kids shuffle in.  There were 14786 vendors and almost as many bands.  For 2 bucks you can buy a little printed map with the stages and schedules.
It is really fucking small and hard to read, especially if you are an oldie like me and need glasses. Make the thing bigger already. But it is a good way for the kids to plan out the day- note to Warped- how about some sort of app so parties can connect if they get lost or a tracker, so you don't have to whip out your phone when you are in the middle of a circle pit to see the text your friend just sent you because she just crowd surfed to the port a potties. Walkie Talkies next time.

There is a lot of stuff to buy. It all sucks. HAHAHAH no I'm kidding! But seriously, it is VERY commercial.  And with 47000 bands there it was hard to tell one booth from another. They all looked THE SAME save for Atilla's which looked like it belonged at Gathering of the Vibes, but at least it stood out.  And the irony of the day, all of the "misfits" of the teen world together and yet, they barely communicated with each other. So "different" yet....all the same.  They came, they moshed, they crowd surfed, and RAN LIKE HELL to the next stage to see whatever band they wanted most.  It was dizzying. Not for me though, I sat in my chair on the grass with my laptop and big hat taking it all in until my battery ran out-oh p.s. Xfinity theatre-don't you think your free wifi should work like oh I don't know, really fucking well since it's the Xfinity theatre? But I digress... There were more gauges there than in an F16 cockpit. I mean holy shit. Pepsi Cans. Put a Pepsi can in there and then come and talk to me. I... I just.  I can't.

In fact, the scene was so homogenized I got... a little... dare I say... oh god.. no... bored. My laptop died so I put it out in the car and came back in and started wandering around. I tried to talk to a few "adults" who had about as much personality as a pile of toilet paper, until I happily stumbled upon the booth for Unlocking The Truth and chatted with a nice lady there who told me all about how ULT3 got the record deal.  I had heard of them about a year ago when they were all over you tube for playing in Times Square.  There was a film crew hovering over them, it was...weird.  They are kids and though seeing them was a highlight in the day for me, I met the kids and Mom and Grandma, it seemed, exploitative somehow and creepy, but they were cool, and I love anything that reminds me of being young with all my friends in garages and band rooms, being excited about the future, and of course, rock.

Doug Wimbish form Living Colour is managing them now, and was there getting them set up.  I think they only played maybe 5 songs. There were a few technical glitches, Malcom, the guitarist's in ear monitors weren't working, but as soon as he took them out, he relaxed and his voice sounded clear and strong. The bassist had some cable issue but Doug and the other crew quickly fixed things but with such a short set it did impact the show.

Afterward I bought a shirt-one of only two things I bought- and Malcom's mom had the band sign it for me, by chasing the kids all down. I was surprised more people didn't go to the booth, but I think the cameras were intimidating, as people looked on in awe, and curiosity, rather than getting right in there.  Not me tho, I went full in. Later in the night, while back in my grassy grove, I saw mom pulling a wagon with all Malcom's gear on it. You go mom. You rock but really, make that kid pull it himself. Maybe she wanted to make sure nothing fell over, as it must have been like pulling a wagon over fucking shards of lava rock.

Have you been to the comfinity theatre? Holy shit the parking lot is like something out of Mad Max, but worse.  When the wind picked up it was like an asphalt storm. From the mosh pitting to the wind, dude, kids were covered in black soot. It looked like smoke, but nope ASPHALT! Can you move that to Rentcheler next year? Oh yeah kids, don't wear flip flops. But they do.

The one other thing I bought was a CD by K Flay- Again, something just different enough about her among it all to catch my ear and eye.

Dylan called me sometime during the day- "MOM! come over here, I am in line to meet The Color Morale" So off I went. There she was, all sweaty, with her blue fresh dye job sliding down her sun burnt face.  I hugged her, she started crying. She was so excited to be there, to be meeting Garret the singer, so nervous. By the time she got up there I had settled her down, wiped off most of her eyeliner, and bought her a pair of shorts for him to sign. He did, and graciously took a photo with her. I don't remember what she said, if she said anything at all, but he could tell how excited she was and hugged her, twice.

 Here are some GREAT shots by Dylan!

Born of Osiris
Mosh pitting!

AWESOME shots of Ice Nine Kills
Photo Credits: Dylan River Luzzi

After that we had some water and she was off.  I headed back into the shade and that is where I met my new friend Kelly, another cool mom, FINALLY! She smiled and came over and sat down and we hit it off right away. Super nice and cool, a fellow music lover with a teen age kid and we talked about the music, the kids, the days of the Grateful Dead shows, and more.  It was great meeting her, she had just seen Bruno Mars there and said he was phenomenal. Can't wait to go to some shows with her! (Maybe without the kids next time LOL)

Wrapping it up was Dylan mosh-pitting it to Atilla for 15 minutes and running over to Of Mice and Men for another 15 and then, thank the stars above, coming over and saying she was ready to go home! We got out of the lot in a mere ten minutes or less and were home in another twenty. Exhausted, sunburned, happy, covered in dirt, sore feet, but with great memories and a new friend for me.

A great day had by all, home in one piece.

Parents, seriously, take your kid to Warped tour next year. Bring a chair or two, some food, chill out and have a great time. More shows should let parents in for free, kids stay safer and should something go awry, you are right there.  Venues and bands make more money off the stuff the parents buy as most parents might consider the drop off if not for the free ticket. Win and Win.

Now, I need a nap.

Jamie ~ MOTG

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Warped Tour!

Warped Tour today and we're getting ready to go! Last night the kids dyed their hair and got all their shiz together, me, I printed up a batch of MOTG stickers to hand out and had some bangin' nachos. Now we're up and raring to go at yes, 6am. I am debating bringing this computer, and bloggin all day, but it sure would have been easier with that tablet Dylan somehow froze, but I digress, Hold tight and I'll have a full report and photos later on! ROCK ON!

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Oh the bands I have seen.

Being brought to a Grateful Dead show at age 4 seems like a good place to start. After that is was any and all local things my uncle's band "Fountainhead" played at when I was a kid.  He was the bassist, god rest his soul.  I wonder if he has more of an influence on my life than I thought at the time, and my own house was always full of music. But enough nostalgia, on with the list. Some of these bands were one night stands and some were multiple sightings, I'll highlight those.

The first real concert I suppose I went to was Shaun Cassidy at The New Haven Coliseum in 5th grade. Oh those white pants. Hey Deenie, won't YOU come out tonight! I probably wore my Andy Gibb T shirt. It wasn't long though until I started listening to Queen and Kiss and in middle school I think, If I am remembering correctly, I went to see The Cars. Now, in addition to all of the local bands I saw at the skating rink or the local band room, I began a lifetime of concert going, both large and small sometime in the 9th grade.

Here is a partial list of the bands I have seen: of course The Darkness, Duran Duran, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Accept, Anthrax, The Beastie Boys ( when I danced in the cage onstage) Cyndi Lauper, UB40, Pat Travers, Motley Crue , Van Halen, INXS, Ziggy Marley, Slayer, Hanson, Overkill, Pearl Jam(opening for Smashing Pumpkins and RHCP) RHCP, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Ozbourne, Elton John, The Ramones, The Cult, Divinyls, Joan Jett, Yngvie Malmsteen, Rolling Stones, Black Flag, GBH, The Front, Bang Tango, Skid Row, Metallica, Sting, Def Leppard, Billy Squier, Cheap Trick, Tom Petty, Norah Jones, BB King, The Fabulous Thunderbirds, Tower of Power, NRBQ, Big Audio Dynamite, Steve Winwood, Alison Krauss, Robert Plant, Dave Matthews, Living Colour, 247 Spys, Bad Brains, Ray Charles, James Brown, Fleetwood Mac, Billy Idol, Buckcherry, The Wallflowers, The B52's, Ratt, Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, Poison, Squeeze, Frankie goes to Hollywood, Dokken, Cinderella, Queensryche, Adam Ant, Whitesnake, Scorpions, Loverboy, Fishbone, Charlie Sexton, Soundgarden, U2, Black Veil Brides, Sleeping with Sirens, Megadeth, Testament, I'll add  more as my old brain remembers them, but this is a good start....

Be back with more! And 3 days till Warped tour! WOOT!

Grateful Dead-ing it with KK dubs In Boston circa 1996.  KK and I hit more RCHP and Overkill shows together than you can shake a stick at. My partner in crime and certified tour bus chaser!

Oh add Old Crow Medicine Show to the list. Jerry Garcia Band, Blues Traveller, Rat Dog, 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Have personality, will travel.

What is a rock mom to do? Oh the trappings of society, woe to the misfit so alone. I have read some other blogs of late, ladies and gents blathering on about all sorts of nonsense, so I figured I'd join in and rap about things that I love, mainly music. Recently, well about 2 years ago, my love...rather my burning passion for The Darkness was rekindled when they toured and recorded a new album. I was the giddy attendee at 5 shows last year, meeting and greeting Justin Hawkins and company and I dare say it was the highlight of my past ten years on this planet. I was asked, by a rather close friend..."What is the big deal, why are you so into The Darkness?" Now being that this person is also a musician, AND an Aries, I was surprised he felt the need to ask.  But I laid it down to him like this..

The Darkness makes me happy. Period. When I am at a Darkness gig, there is no doubt in my mind about what I am doing.  I am in paradise, I am in love. I am in love with the band, the songs, the crowd, the strangers, the new friends.  I still lose sleep in anticipation and have knots in my stomach upon very early arrival at a gig. OH TOUR BUS HOW I WORSHIP THEE.  You know how kids get all excited when they see Santa at the mall, when they are like 5 years old? Like they are all hopped up on sugar plum fairies dancing in their heads? That's me.  all 47 years of me, before a Darkness show.

The Darkness just get it.  They are smart and funny and awesome, lovely, loud, rocking, manly men who do what they do and love what they do and it shows. I have seen them play in front of a crowd of 3000 and a crowd of maybe 700, always giving 110 percent. But enough about them, for now.  This is about me and the question, why? Why not. Why the fuck not. In a day where concert tickets can cost a full weeks salary or more, spending a mere 30 bucks to see The Darkness feels like an injustice is being committed against the band, who are here form the UK, flying and driving all over the place just to make me least that is how it feels. this is PRICELESS I think to myself thirty dollars? Well now I can afford to fly to Denver! It is as though The Darkness are there for you, the crowd, to be one with you, sing with you, dance with you, a communal vibe like none other I have seen and baby I have seen over like 500 concerts of all shapes and size.

People love sports of all kinds and they spend an insane amount of time and money to get that vibe, the same one I get when I see The Darkness. I don't hear many people questioning the motives of insane football fans or even UCONN fans, or god forbid baseball fans.  What is involved in a day at the ball park these days? Do you get to see anything like this?

I didn't think so...

I'll take my bands, my music and rock until I drop. Yeah, I just ripped off Def Leppard a bit. Oh you want to hear my Def Leppard story? Maybe tomorrow kids, I have to go water the garden. But before I go I will leave you with this. Oh and one more thing, The Darkness are recording a new album as we speak and you know what that means.. SUGAR PLUM FAIRIES!

Friday, June 27, 2014

Matt Starr Drums

Howdie! After having an all out multiple eargasm last night at the Matt Starr drum clinic at Dynamic Percussion in Manchester, CT I am recovering nicely and ready to hit the blog train running.

First stop, review of the Matt Starr drum clinic. I signed myself and the daughter, Dylan, up for the clinic as Dylan has just joined a new band (yet to be named) and I knew she'd love the clinic. I have known Matt for many years and he is an excellent performer and so I knew the clinic would be great. Right off the bat there was a line of folks primed up and talking drums. Kids and parents and drummers alike, the energy of the crowd was upbeat and excited. Once we entered the clinic space, a great room downstairs at Dynamic Percussion, the glow of some sweet 1970's amber shell drums caught everyone's eye. They were on loan to Matt from the drummer of Physical Graffiti.

When Matt appeared he was greeted with warm generous applause from the crowd and after suggesting ear plugs for the first few rows, settled right into the kit and beat the shit out of those amber beauties.Firts song of the night was "Gimme a Feelin" off the new Ace Frehley album.

Matt then treated the crowd to a new song from the upcoming Ace Frehley release, due out in August. The tune rips. I have to say, I have seen Matt play the drums in various bands through the years and his style was evident last night, hard, heavy, tight, and on point. he's got a little finesse in his right wrist that is uncompromising in its might. I love that finesse.

It was great to hear Matt tell his story about how he came to be playing with Ace Frehley and he stressed the ever important humility and networking throughout the night. Matt's genuine love of what he does was evident and had the crowd hanging on his every word. he is not only a phenomonal drummer, singer and songwriter, he is a great story teller, truly passionate about what he does and loves sharing his talents and his story.

I have TONS more to say about last night and I will be interviewing Matt soon so I don't want to give away too many details right now but I will tell you this, Matt is not only a great rock drummer, he is a genuine person, an excellent teacher, and I can't wait for you all to learn more about Matt Starr!

The drums are Johnny Macs 70's Vistalite Ludwigs. SPLENDID